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This is a blog for the new book I'm reading. I'm reading Pillage, by Obert Skye. I hope you enjoy hearing about it!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pillage: The End!

The ruined city of Kingsplot!
After all this time, it finally comes to an end. The dragons were fully grown, and the gang went to go get rid of them, seeing how their only purpose in life is to pillage, and they didn't want to see Kingsplot destroyed. Beck has been reading The Grim Knot which is a history and guidebook on how to raise dragons. When Beck tries to destroy the dragons once and for all, a turn for the weird happens, but before I say, there is some background you must know. At the end of every chapter in the book, you read a section of The Grim Knot, and it tell the story of Becks ancestors. In the book, you hear a lot of a peddler who has cursed the family, and keeps coming back because the curse keeps backfiring. Back to the story, Beck believes that Kate was trying to raise the dragons so she could have all the wealth, but it was all one other person. Milo. He was the peddler that you keep hearing in the experts of  The Grim Knot. He was the one that led Beck to find everything that was suppose to stay hidden. That's why no one liked Milo, and that's also why Beck had to follow so many rules. So Milo let's loose the dragons to go pillage when another odd thing happens. AERON LEAVES THE DOME!! Not only does he leave the dome, but he even comes to save Beck and helps destroy the dragons. After a long fight around the town with all but one dragon, Beck tires to go rescue Kate, who is stuck in the cage under the conservatory. She was tricked by Milo, who took the shape of Beck and locked her in the cage. After she is freed, "Aeron" comes to destroy the last dragon, but it turns out it was Milo in Aerons form and was killed by the dragon. After THAT, things become more normal for Beck. Aeron becomes more like a father, He and Kate (if you didn't already know) are in a relationship, and he has a feeling like he is at home. I'm glad you could follow this blog and I hope you read Pillage by Obert Skye.

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