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This is a blog for the new book I'm reading. I'm reading Pillage, by Obert Skye. I hope you enjoy hearing about it!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pillage: The End!

The ruined city of Kingsplot!
After all this time, it finally comes to an end. The dragons were fully grown, and the gang went to go get rid of them, seeing how their only purpose in life is to pillage, and they didn't want to see Kingsplot destroyed. Beck has been reading The Grim Knot which is a history and guidebook on how to raise dragons. When Beck tries to destroy the dragons once and for all, a turn for the weird happens, but before I say, there is some background you must know. At the end of every chapter in the book, you read a section of The Grim Knot, and it tell the story of Becks ancestors. In the book, you hear a lot of a peddler who has cursed the family, and keeps coming back because the curse keeps backfiring. Back to the story, Beck believes that Kate was trying to raise the dragons so she could have all the wealth, but it was all one other person. Milo. He was the peddler that you keep hearing in the experts of  The Grim Knot. He was the one that led Beck to find everything that was suppose to stay hidden. That's why no one liked Milo, and that's also why Beck had to follow so many rules. So Milo let's loose the dragons to go pillage when another odd thing happens. AERON LEAVES THE DOME!! Not only does he leave the dome, but he even comes to save Beck and helps destroy the dragons. After a long fight around the town with all but one dragon, Beck tires to go rescue Kate, who is stuck in the cage under the conservatory. She was tricked by Milo, who took the shape of Beck and locked her in the cage. After she is freed, "Aeron" comes to destroy the last dragon, but it turns out it was Milo in Aerons form and was killed by the dragon. After THAT, things become more normal for Beck. Aeron becomes more like a father, He and Kate (if you didn't already know) are in a relationship, and he has a feeling like he is at home. I'm glad you could follow this blog and I hope you read Pillage by Obert Skye.

Pillage: The dragons are older

This was what I thought of the dragons after they had grown.
A few weeks after the dragons are born, they have already become very large. Most of them are very unique, both in appearance and personality. They all were fed by the weeds that were grown in the conservatory. Kate has given each dragon a name that rather matches their personality or appearance. They seems to be doing fine, until the dragons get almost too big to stay in the conservatory. Beck takes heed of this and finally starts reading that book he found. Before he can, he is caught by Millie, Wane, and Thomas. He is sent to be locked up in his room until further notice. Beck takes head of this to start reading to book and finds out that his uncle was a part of this book. He wants to go talk to Aeron, but he is locked in his room. When he tires to use his powers to make the bushes grow, the plants do nothing. Beck doesn't let this get him down and he starts to climb the house. He finally gets to Aeron and asks him about the book. Aeron says that everything that has happened to Beck was for a good reason, and that he should read the book closer. I'm starting to believe now that Beck has told his uncle about the book, and that he has dragons that Aeron will finally leave the rooftop and  actually help out with the situation. We will just have to see though.

Pillage: Those strange plants...

This is how I pictured how the dragons looked like
Kingsplot just had the biggest snow most people have ever seen, so Beck and his friends have been a long time away from the conservatory and the basement. Before it started to snow, Beck, Kate, and Milo were in the conservatory checking out the plants and the rocks. Beck used his power to make some weeds take the stones into the ground. It then started to rain pretty hard, but they couldn't get out. Lightning strikes the shack they were in, and they think it is the end of them, but Beck finds a way into a pitch black waterway. After many minuets of just wandering in pitch darkness with water up to their waist in water, they finally find a way into the basement of the house. Then they discuss that maybe the book that Beck found in the basement might be helpful to them, and suggested that he read it. Beck doesn't believes them until they finally go back to the conservatory after all the snow fall is gone. After the climb up and over the wall, they see the "plants" have turned into pods and are now floating. The stones are no where to be seen. On the top of every pod, there is a small hole. Beck sticks his hand down one and feels this warm air on him. He pulls out his arm and finds some strange goo on his arm. After a panic with the goo on Beck's arm that wouldn't come off, the pods started to move and shake. Milo is already gone by now, and Kate is only halfway up the wall. Kate sees that Beck wants to stick around to see what the pods are going to do, so she joins him. It turns out that Beck was right in the first place, and after a long process, we see eight small dragons pop out of the pods. Neither one can believe what they are seeing, but decide to start holding them.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pillage: Unlce Aeron! part two

This is roughly what I thought the mansions looked like. Key word roughly.
Just like last time, Aeron calls down for someone to talk to, and guess who he wants? You guessed it, Beck. So Wane takes Beck up to the dome, where Beck starts to look around the dome more, and notices how Aeron survives up there. Let me tell you right now, not pretty. The conversation was pretty much the same as last time, but Aeron starts to open up more. He talks a lot of Beck's mother, Francine. Both of the guys loved her to no extent, and both grieved for her death. It was a touching, yet creepy moment. I didn't know if i should feel sorry for them, or scared of them. They both said in their own words that their life is miserable. That's right, you get to hear an old hermit who thinks he is in middle earth and a sixteen year old orphan complain how their life is not good. Aeron I can understand, but Beck was taking his a bit to far. Most of the conversation was rather complaining about their life, or missing Francine. The rest was just awkward silences, and they were awkward. In the end, Aeron tells Beck the same thing last time: stay out of the garden and the basement that doesn't exist.

Pillage: Unlce Aeron! part one

This is roughly how a pictured Aeron. Only thinner, in a dome, and with a staff.
It finally happens! We finally meet the old coot known as Uncle Aeron!! Wouldn't you believe me when I say he is a rather odd ball person. Like earlier in the book, it is mentioned that Aeron has never left the dome on the seventh floor of his house. When Beck was asked to go see Aeron, everyone was dead serious and no questions were asked. Not one single question. Even Beck seems to know what's happening.The first time Beck meets his uncle, Aeron asks if Beck has met the staff. Beck says that the four of them are really nice, but Aeron still believes that there are hundreds of servants and cooks in the house. Also, Aeron is constantly looking up in the sky as if something or someone was about to swoop down and eat him. He also goes on asking Beck about school and how his teachers are jerks to him. Beck supports him on school and seems to go along with everything. He doesn't mention any of his friends or enemies, but just how his teachers are just as mean to him as they are to Aeron. Beck, foolishly enough, does mention the basement that he was not suppose to find, and Aeron explodes about that. He later tells him to stay out of the garden and the basement that doesn't exist. Then, like that entire situation never happened, Beck just goes back to snooping.